- TL-13820 - Information about the loyalty reduction was missing in battle reports from attacks on oases.
- TL-12974 - The tooltip on the scouting icon in farmlist included a meaningless number.
- TL-14000 - Editing the first wave in the wave builder was deleting the next wave.
- TL-13812 - If a non-default date and time format was selected in settings (for example “US (mm/dd/yy, 12h)”), it wasn’t applied in some areas in the game.
- TL-13897 - In some rare cases the building time of a building that cannot be finished instantly, like a Residence, was incorrect after using the instant finish feature, then adding another order and cancelling it. We have fixed this issue.
- TL-13086 - When the avatar was in deletion, it was not possible to change auto prolongation of the premium features, such as Travian Plus.
- TL-12636 - “Send resources” tab would not show the duration of travel to the selected target if there were no free merchants available. It should show this information anyway.
- TL-12987 - An apostrophe was not displayed correctly when used in a farmlist name.
- TL-11571 - The diet artefact, which lowers the crop consumption of the troops, was not always immediately applying its effect on activation.