82.1 - Sliding sliders


TL-12058          Sliders used in marketplace when sending resources, and for the attributes in the hero page, are now proper sliders that you can drag to change the value.

TL-14230          We have implemented and enabled new building icons on all game worlds, used in various places such as the short instructions or in battle reports.

TL-14217          We have adjusted how the access keys to switch between villages work on game worlds with the village groups. From now on the access keys will switch through all villages, not just within the same group. If the next village is in a collapsed group, the group will be automatically expanded.


TL-14258          Trade ships trying to enter a harbour of a village that was destroyed were crashing on the hard rocks and sinking without trace. We equipped them with magic devices that allows them teleport home if their target village got destroyed.

TL-14271          We fixed an error message displayed when you try to send an in-game message to a recipient that does not exist.

TL-14189          Mobile Browser Version: when the village list was open and you tried to open daily quest, the window was not fully visible.

TL-12526          Dragging the task list in Chrome browser on mobile would drag the elements of the list over the interface. This should not be possible anymore.

TL-14264          Text on the screen shown after starting an adventure displayed 00:00:00 instead of the correct time counter until the hero reaches the adventure.

TL-14263          The game world page shown before the game starts on the game world was ugly. It's beautiful again, the solitary legionnaire waiting to sound the horn.

TL-14238          Battle reports involving freeing trapped units had incorrect information that the trapped units could not be rescued. This should not happen anymore.

TL-13861          When dragging items in the hero inventory, the mouse cursor was displayed in the corner of the item, instead of in the middle.

Only affecting game worlds with the regional map:

TL-12887          When opening the map from a region info page, the flag markers were not displayed.

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