TL-13287 When troop evasion is active, but some troops came back to the village within 10 seconds before the battle, the evasion is not possible. We have added the exact time of the troops' return (e.g., 7 seconds before the battle) to the defender’s battle report.
TL-13176 You can now edit the abandoned farmlists. This also fixes an issue in the mobile app where the option to edit existed but did not work properly.
TL-11629 We updated the images on the alliance bonus page.
TL-13962 Only on Annual Special: in cities, the wall page will display the current and next level bonus of the watchtowers, in addition to the bonus of the wall itself.
TL-13448 In the browser, dragging the map too far caused the mouse cursor to leave the area and start selecting parts of the browser window. This should no longer happen.
TL-14302 In the browser, dragging the map would break the tooltips on the map tiles, until the map was dragged again.
TL-14316 In the browser, tooltips for some icons on the map displayed "undefined" instead of the correct title.
TL-12591 Only in Annual Special: in the Mobile Browser Version, if you moved the map to the far left edge, it became impossible to move it back.
TL-13107 On the map page, tooltips that should be available for various interface elements (e.g., the resource bar) were not displayed.
TL-13084 Changing the setting to extend a bonus automatically in the advantages tab in the shop would sometimes immediately change back, if you clicked on multiple options quickly.
TL-14354 When sending resources in the marketplace, typing a village name automatically selected it if it matched exactly, even if there were other matching targets. Now, the system will display a dropdown list of all matching villages for selection.
TL-14295 Opening the shop from the One Time Offer pop-up caused some minor layout issues.
TL-13929 Only in regular browser version on mobile using desktop view. The daily quest pop-up would close when zooming in and attempting to open elements like reward details.
TL-14247 When you open the combat simulator from a link in a battle report, Smithy upgrade levels of your units were not pre-filled, as they should be.
TL-14082 The village list and the task overview occasionally disappeared under rare conditions. We chained them to the background to make sure they won't fly away again.
TL-14357 Only on game worlds with the forwarding feature: in the bulk forwarding page, selecting the checkbox to choose all troops lines did not properly add units in the lines after the first one.