Alliance Leaders have the ability to make changes to the alliance, change the alliance name, assign alliance rights, monitor activity markers for members, edit the alliance profile and description and send Mass Messages (MM's).
This option will allow you to change the alliance name and tag. Two corresponding text boxes will appear – these will include the old tag and names. All you need to do is change the text in order to create the new name/tag.
You can grant rights to members of your alliance by clicking your embassy, then go "to the alliance". Afterwards, click "options" and then select "assign to position".
Search the name of the player you want to grant rights to in the list, choose the rights you want to give them and save.

The following rights you can give to other alliance members:
- Assign to position (Hint: Be careful when assigning this right to another player. Everyone who has it can take your own rights away!)
- Kick player
- Change alliance description
- Alliance diplomacy
- IGMs to every alliance member (Mass Message)
- Invite a player into the alliance
- Manage forums
- Manage map flags and markers
- Manage member specialisation
The coloured dots in the alliance member list tell you the following:
blue – player is active at the moment.
green – player was active during past 24 hours.
yellow – player was active during past 3 days.
red – player was active during past 7 days.
grey – player was not active during past 7 days (player is inactive).
Extended inactivity causes the game the automatic deletion of the avatar of the inactive player.
Much like a player, each alliance can have its own profile. Using this option, you can add text which will better describe your alliance – what you require of players, the basic set of alliance rules, a general introduction, etc. There are two large text boxes here – one on the left, and the other on the right. Placing text in either of these will have the text displayed on either the left or right (depending on the text box used) of the alliance profile in-game.
If you want to see all connections in the alliance description automatically, type [diplomatie] into the description. It is also possible to add [ally], [nap] and [war] separately.
Players with the rights to manage specializations, can mark players as specializing in offense or defense. This can be easily done through the alliance profile > members list.
Specializations not only simply mark the players who focus in offense or defense. It also allows sending mass messages to them (see the tab "Messages").
There are special commands that let players with appropriate rights to send an MM (Mass Message). Simply enter the command as the recepient of the message (including the brackets).
- [ally]
- The message will reach everyone in the alliance.
- [off]
- The message will be sent to everyone with offensive specialization.
- [def]
- The message will be sent to everyone with defensive specialization.
You can also use the small alliance-button in the right side of the IGM recipient field, right next to the address book. If you click on the button, the receiver [ally] will be inserted automatically.
You also have to have the right permissions granted to you by the alliance founder to send mass messages. The alliance founder has this privilege by default.