Developing your first villages

I registered in the game with the tribe I picked. What’s next?

Settling a second village as fast as possible! The first steps in the game are covered well enough in various guides about how to settle the second village. Pick one guide for your gameworld speed and follow it step by step. You can find them here: Fast second village guides.

Yes, none of those guides are perfect (neither is this one) and yet, following them would give on average a better result than if you’d developed yourself without exact guidance or general understanding.

Word of Wisdom: At this stage do not keep resources in hero inventory, use them immediately after you receive them from quests, adventures and such. Make sure your hero won’t die in adventures or while killing animals. Monitor how much health your hero loses and if needed, add a few more points to hero strength. 

Why do I even need to settle my second village so fast? Is it so important?

Yes, it’s important to build a second village fast. This allows you to pick a better spot for your future capital while others are still struggling getting the needed resources, culture points and training settlers. But even if you just want to settle near your initial (spawn) village, it’s still important to show alliances around you that your development is fast paced. Remember, Travian: Legends is an alliance game, and this will let you become a part of a more organised alliance earlier. 

At this stage it would be good to look into alliances around you (you can do it through your embassy) and try to join the alliance which has the biggest presence in your surrounding area. 

Ok, I am on the way to my second village, what’s next? 

Make sure to be online every time your new village lands to start initial buildings. Don’t keep your village empty with 2 population for long. Active farmers monitor surroundings and those undeveloped villages work as a marker for them – this player is not active, so it’s worth checking whether they can be farmed. Do not give them that impression! The more regular your population increases, the more active (and therefore dangerous) you look from the outside!

Your hero is an invaluable resource that will help you a lot in early development 

You should have the hero characteristics distributed mainly in resources, yet do not forget about some strength to keep the hero alive while doing adventures. Up to level 7 your hero only needs 2-3 points distributed in strength, all others should go to resources. 

After level 7 of your hero each eighth hero point on average should go to strength. If your hero still loses too much health in adventures, consider adding a few more strength to keep health loss below 10%. 

Word of Wisdom: Make your second village a new hero home, so that you won’t need to use the marketplace a lot to deliver resources into your newly settled village. It will save you some clicks and reduce waiting times for resources.

What exactly should I build and where?

Develop both your villages in parallel. Use hero bag resources to develop both villages by adding resources that you still miss. Since your first village has already been developed for a while, most resources from the hero bag should go to the second one.

Word of Wisdom: Make sure that you have enough Warehouse and Granary capacity to cover your hours when you are not online! If you plan to go offline for let’s say 4 hours, make sure that your resources won’t overflow. In this case prioritise Warehouse and Granary capacity (but do not make them too huge) over resource development. You can look this up in a Travian Plus village overview or by hovering over the warehouse and granary bars in the upper menu. 

Ready to develop? Then ?️ click on the header below ?️ to see the detailed development tables for your first villages!

⛏️ The Economic development after you settled a second village.

⚔️ Early Military Development
?️ Third and further resource villages development

This is development for a resource (not producing troops, only supplying others) village. We will talk about developing villages with specific specialisation (capital, defence, offence, spying etc) in our upcoming articles.

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