Passive culture points

Culture points (CP) are a restriction that limits the number of villages you can settle or conquer. You gain them by building and upgrading buildings in your village. At the start of the game, everyone gets a certain amount of CP, depending on gameworld speed.

The current number of Culture Points and how many you produce per day can be looked up in the Administration Building. Various buildings provide different amounts of Culture Points.

Generating enough culture points to develop your account and expand your empire is one of the ultimate tasks in the game.

The more villages you have, the bigger army you can train and feed, and the stronger your account will be.  To chief or conquer new village you need culture points which can be obtained with 3 various ways:

Passive production is number of culture points your village produces per day, without any additional efforts from your side. Raising CP in your resource villages is just as important task as upgrading their economy.

Passive CP in “resource” villages

Over the long term this is an inexpensive way to generate CP. Every non-specialized village (every village that is not a Capital, a Hammer, a defensive village or any else) uses the same template to fill the 22 spaces you have open.

Necessary Infrastructure (to get the other stuff built)
01 Level 20 Mainbuilding (77 CP)
02 Level 20 Warehouse (38 CP)
03 Level 20 Granary (38 CP)
04 Level 20 Residence (77 CP)

CP Intensive Buildings (CP intensive or party buildings)
05 Level 20 Embassy (153 CP)
06 Level 20 Academy (153 CP)
07 Level 10 Town Hall (31 CP)

Trade Necessary Buildings (to efficiently ship resources)
08 Level 20 Marketplace (115 CP)
09 Level 10 Trade Office (19 CP)
10 Level 10 Stable (12 CP)

Military Necessary Buildings
11 Level 20 Barracks (38 CP)*
12 Level 20 Smithy (77 CP)*
13 Level 20 Wall (38 CP)
14 Level 20 Rally Point (38 CP)

15 Level 15+ Hospital (62 CP)

Resource Necessary Buildings (resource bonuses)
16 Level 5 Brickworks (2 CP)
17 Level 5 Iron Foundry (2 CP)
18 Level 5 Sawmill (2 CP)
19 Level 5 Flour Mill (2 CP)
20 Level 5 Bakery (2 CP)

What’s the outcome? 

Each of your resource fields at level 10 will generate 6 CPs (croplands 5 CP) each plus the 19 buildings above will generate over 1000 CP a day and it will leave us with 2 open building spaces.

  • Are you going to creating defense in this village? Create a tournament square to speed up their travel time (6 CP at level ten) and upgrade Smithy, Stables (if horse def is planned) and barracks to level 20.
  • Have oases in the neighborhood? You definitely want to and need to capture those so build a hero mansion (6 CP at level ten).
  • Gonna have lots of people attacking you? Add a granary or great granary (both 38 CP at level 20) to feed reinforcements and warehouse (or Great Warehouse) to do NPC.
  • Are you going to hold a World Wonder, an important artifact, or want even more CP? Put in a Treasury (37 CP at level 10 or 230 at level 20).

A wonderful benefit of the above build is that you can produce a lot of defense in a short amount of time.

*Its also important to note that you don’t necessarily need a level 20 Smithy or barracks right away. There is a balance to maintain where having more troops vs upgraded levels make sense and times upgrades over more troops make sense.

Few last tips

  • Creativity helps. So does knowing how the game works. Did you know that the Smithy can come down after the research is done without losing the research? If you have a capital-based army, that slot can easily be used for a warehouse to fund the next cropland upgrade.
  • Having a good wall in every village helps. The higher the level the more privacy you get from enemy scouts.
  • Speaking of scouts 100 per village is adequate to warn you if someone is sniffing around. Even if the one that uses a spy artefact. Important villages should have 500-1000 minimum.
  • Try to pick a location that provides you plenty of oasis

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