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Lobby, account and avatar

The lobby is the one place to access all your gameworlds, manage duals, and start playing on new gameworlds without the need to register by email each time. It is available on the game's main page,

Every player has just one lobby account and may have one avatar in each game world.

Legends lobby account:
Account on the main page, It contains all your avatars and allows inviting duals to play on your avatars.
Each dual has their own lobby account.
Your profile on the specific gameworld, with all its villages, troops, the hero and so on. In the past we used the term "account" for this. Everything you have in the specific gameworld is in your avatar.
Avatars can be set up as sitters to other avatars; this is managed inside the game, not in the lobby.
Sitters and Duals

Lobby account name

When you create your lobby account, you must choose a new name. Lobby account names consist of two parts: a username and a short tagline. Each part does not have to be unique on its own, but the combination must be unique. 

This means that if you want to use a nickname you were known for, you can put it in the username, even if other players already used such a username in their lobby account. You must have different taglines in this case.


Username: Attila
Tagline: Hun
Lobby account name: Attila#Hun

Nobody else could have the same lobby account name. But someone else could be Attila#King or Warrior#Hun.

Note: avatar names are separate from lobby account names. You can use different avatar names on each gameworld, and that’s what other players will see in the game.

Accessing the game

You need to have the lobby account in order to create and access avatars. You should only create one lobby account, there is no need to have more than one. Lobby account remains available after a gameworld ends.

You may login to an avatar on a specific gameworld either through the lobby or directly on the gameworld login page. Use the lobby account name or email and password as the credentials.

If multiple players want to play on the same avatar, each person must have their own lobby account and they need to be set as duals. Sharing password is not allowed and is not necessary.

Sitters and Duals

Changing email

You can change your lobby account email in the lobby settings (available in the top right corner of the lobby page).


What’s the difference between an account and an avatar?

You have one global lobby account for all your gameworlds. In each game world you play, you have one avatar. You can access all your avatars and create new avatars from your lobby account, without having to go through email registration and activation each time.

How can I create a lobby account?

Open and register.

Does my password to the lobby account have to be that complicated?

Technically you don’t have to have digits, signs, capital and small letters, simpler passwords are still accepted. But we strongly urge you to get a secure password. The longer it is and the more types of characters it uses, the more secure it is.

How do I add duals to my avatar in the lobby?

Click the blue duals icon on the gameworld in the lobby to add duals. Each dual must have their own lobby account. You need to know their full lobby account name to add them. Then they need to accept the invitation in their lobby.

Can I just share my lobby password with my duals?

No. Sharing passwords is not secure, so we created a way to manage duals in the lobby. Using the lobby to manage duals is safer, as everyone has their own password. Also, if you shared your lobby account password, they would have access to all your avatars on all gameworlds. With the lobby system, you can decide which avatars you share with which duals. 

Sharing the lobby account password is a violation of the game rules, even if it’s about duals. You cannot share your password with anyone under any circumstances.

Someone added me as dual, but I don’t know them. What should I do?

When someone adds you as a dual, you receive an invitation. Simply decline it if you don’t want to play as that avatar's dual.

Can I play on multiple avatars in the same game world?

No, you can only play on the gameworld on one avatar – your own or as a dual. However, you can access up to two avatars as a sitter from the avatar you play on.

How do I switch from playing on my own avatar to playing on another avatar as dual?

First, start the deletion of your avatar. Already while the deletion is running, you may accept an invitation to play as dual on another avatar. Keep in mind you won't be able to change your mind and go back to your old avatar if you do this. It will not be possible to stop the deletion after you joined another avatar as dual, even if you stop being a dual.

Can I give away my avatar to someone else?

You can't do this yourself. If you are sure that you want to give the avatar to another player, please contact us by creating a new ticket. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse such requests, to avoid potential abuse or confusion towards other players that multiple avatar switches might cause.

How can I change my lobby account email?

Open the lobby page and access the account settings in the top-right corner. There's an option to change the email address. You need to have access to both the current and the new email addresses to proceed.

Can I give away my lobby account?

We advice against doing this, as the lobby account is not just one avatar, but your whole Travian: Legends gaming experience and history, including all gameworlds, medals, tickets written to customer service etc.

How does Gold transfer work in the lobby?

Currently, the lobby does not manage Gold transfer. When your Gold needs to be transferred, you will receive an email with the Gold Transfer Link, like in the past. This may change in the future.

Gold Transfer

Can I use Facebook / Google / Apple / another authentication service to log in?

No, the lobby currently does not support the use of third-party authentication services. This may change in the future.

My avatar spawned in a wrong spot, what can I do?

You can use the new abandon avatar feature. It lets you quickly restart the game in a new position. It’s only available at the beginning of the game.

Abandon avatar, relocate, restart game

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