Event Jams

What is an event jam?

If you are reading this, most likely you experienced an event jam in-game. This is what happens when you see a countdown in-game showing as 0:00:0? An Event jam is a technical issue that occurs when our servers are not able to process all that is happening in-game fast enough.

This may affect any events that happen after a countdown, for example, battles or constructions. It can also lead to slow loading of the game pages or even result in disruptions in connection to the game.

During an event jam, the general order of actions is kept and are processed one by one with some delay. It affects all players in the game world.

How long will it last?

Usually, event jams are resolved quickly, and everything is working smoothly again soon. In some circumstances, it can take longer time. We monitor our game worlds constantly and take any actions necessary to fix such issues quickly. It is not always a simple task, especially on servers populated with many active players.

What can I do?

The event jam is an issue on server-side, so you cannot fix it. However, there are some things you can do to help lower the load on the server:   

  • Try to resist the temptation to refresh the game page during the jam – every refresh is an additional load on the server.
  • If you can, wait with further actions in-game, even if you do try to send your troops or construct a building, they will end up being stuck just like the previous events.
  • Do not cancel any of your ongoing events like constructions; not only does it add load on the server, but you lose some of the resources spent for the upgrade.
  • If you notice event jams that repeatedly happen around the full hour (that is, for example, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00), it might be that a lot of players on the server set their trade routes to run at such time. It is best to select uneven times for trade routes, like 8:07, 9:23, 10:56, as the load on the server is then spread more evenly.

In case the situation doesn’t improve over time, you can also check our Discord for an announcement about the issues. If there is no information about the topic, consider contacting our Customer Service Team and let us know about the difficulties.

Thank you for following this guideline and for your patience while we fix the issue.


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