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Quicklinks are customizable round buttons on the village details box and the village list box on the side of the game page.

This feature is only available on some gameworlds

The editable quicklinks are only available on gameworlds starting on 8.01.2025 and later.


Village list Quicklinks

Village list quicklinks

Those buttons are available for all players for free. Travian PLUS is not required. The same customized set of 4 buttons is shown in all villages. The 5th button is not adjustable and always leads to the village overview.

Central Village Overview


Village details quicklinks

Quicklinks in Travian: Legends

The five buttons on the village details box are only available with active Travian PLUS. The buttons are marked with a golden colour if you don’t have PLUS active.

Travian Plus Membership

Those buttons are unique for the specific village. This means that if you customize them in one village, they will be different there, compared to other villages. 

Example usage: You can add a quicklink to workshop in villages where you produce catapults and rams. In other villages you may prefer to link to a marketplace send resources page or other places.


Editing quicklinks

You can open the editing menu for each set of the quicklinks with the button with 3 dots at the end.

A pop up will list all available quicklinks. Simply drag and drop them in place. Quicklinks shown with golden colour require a premium feature, such as Gold Club. The greyed out buttons show that the specific building required for them is not available in the currently active village.

Gold Club

The quicklinks can be adjusted at any time. Buttons can also be removed by dragging them out of their position, and you can leave the slots empty.

The available quicklinks include all buildings where you can train troops, Town Hall celebrations page as well as different tabs of Marketplace and Rally Point.

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