Buildings and resource fields statistics

Buildings and resource fields are one of the most important parts of the game. They allow you to produce and store resources, create armies, join an alliance and more.

Resource fields are built outside the village walls, and they provide resources.

Buildings in the village center have various functions. Some are related to resource production, others let you trade or expand your empire by settling new villages. Finally, a whole set of buildings are related to war, they let you train, improve your troops and defend the village.

Below you can find an overview of all buildings and resource fields, with detailed information about their cost and bonuses they provide, depending on their level. You can also check what are the requirements to build them (usually some other buildings at a specific level).

Note that at the top of this tool you can select various details, such as game speed and the Main Building level. The changes are immediately applied to the presented numbers.

Inside the table of a specific building, you can click to select rows, then at the very bottom of the table the sum of the selected rows is presented. That way you can easily check for example how long it will take to upgrade a building from level 10 to 15.

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