Northern Legends - Game Mechanics


Northern Legends is the 2024 Annual Special of Travian: Legends. Here’s an overview of its features different to regular new gameworlds.


Main special features kept from the previous Annual Specials:


New features


Vikings are here! 

Fearsome warriors from the north have displaced Teutons, who are not taking part in the Northern Legends gameplay.

This new tribe specializes in warfare and raiding over sea. They have unique infantry unit Berserker that, while eating twice as much as any other infantry, has a very powerful ability that deals additional damage on their death, when they were the attacking side. Their Valkyrie’s Blessing cavalry is on the other hand very efficient in supply.

Vikings hero is not only a legendary fighter, but also a charismatic leader who can lower enemy village’s loyalty by 5%.

Hero overview



Learn more about Vikings on our blog

The Tribes and Their Advantages


Raid ships

A new ship type that can be used for raiding through a farmlist and is perfectly suited for this. Vikings have an edge here, as their raid ships are the fastest in the world.

Special Servers - Ships and Naval Movement

Changed pathfinding

We removed the old complicated pathfinding for ships. Instead, the armies always travel through a straight line to their target, whether by sea or through land.

Faster construction

Building time of Main Building, Granary, Warehouse (including the great variants) and all resource fields was reduced by 25%. This means considerably faster economic growth.

Invincible Rome

In response to the new threat from the North, Roman legions were reformed. Legionnaires got a substantial improvement to fill the role of the missing Teuton spearmen.

  • Legionnaires’ defense against cavalry increased from 50 to 70.
  • Base training time was reduced from 26:40 to 22:40.
  • Movement speed increased from 6 to 7 fields per hour.

Keep in mind that those changes apply only to Northern Legends gameworlds.

Improved alliance bonuses

The commerce bonus improves the merchants’ speed in addition to their capacity.

The philosophy bonus not only improves Culture Points production, it also now affects Town Hall celebrations and artworks, also increasing their limits.

Alliance Bonuses

Celebrations and Town Hall


Choose tribe of the first 3 settled villages

You can choose the tribe for your first 3 settled villages. This only affects villages settled. Conquering villages does not count. However, losing villages that were settled with this option does not allow to use it again. Once 3 villages were settled using this option, it’s gone.


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