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Special Servers - Forwarding Troops

Forwarding support troops is a feature available in special servers. It allows alliance members to directly forward troops received as support to a different village, all within the same alliance. This feature is free.

How to forward troops

You need to do the following:

  1. Open the Rally Point in the village where the units are stationed as support.
  2. In the overview tab, click "Bulk forward" button in order to quickly forward multiple groups of units.
  3. Choose the target village, select the groups you want to forward, change the number of troops if required and confirm the order.

Alternatively, if you only need to forward one group of units, you can:

  1. Find the troops you want to forward in the overview tab in the Rally Point.
  2. Click the "forward" link.
  3. Choose the target village, change the number of troops if required and confirm the order.

Additional information

  • You need to be in an alliance to use this feature. Even in order to forward your own troops from another village.
  • You can forward only troops you received from another member of your alliance or your own troops that were sent from another village.
  • You can only forward troops to a village belonging to a member of your alliance (including yourself).
  • During the movement, forwarded troops consume crop from the village they began the movement at, not from their home village.
  • Forwarded troops travel at the speed determined by their home village bonuses (e.g. from Tournament Square).

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