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What is the Rule Enforcement Team?

The Rule Enforcement Team (RET) is a dedicated group of specialists from all over the world that since 1st September 2019 have started to work on every game world replacing the local multihunters. Each specialist has been carefully selected among all the candidate team members who have gained a lot of experience in multihunting over the years. The main goal of a dedicated team is to unify the account investigations, to have same criteria for banning and to have same punishments on all domains.

How can I contact RET?

You can't directly contact RET, but you can communicate with your local Customer Service Representatives and their respective teams via ticket, they are your intermediary contact with our Rule Enforcement Team and work internally with the Rule Enforcement Team to solve your question or issue. Customer Service Representatives and their respective teams are in charge to explain you the decisions taken by the Rule Enforcement Team.

RET works on the following topics:

Accounts investigation: each Rule Enforcement Speclialist (RES) is assigned a certain number of game worlds. In each game world the RES is concerned with finding players who violate the game rules. In the effort to improve the rule enforcement on highly competitive servers which gather many different communities, on certain game worlds multiple specialists might be assigned to. All game rule violations, except netiquette violations, are dealt by RET.

Ban reviews: if you believe you have not violated the game rules, you can appeal by opening a ticket asking a ban review. A Rule Enforcement Specialist, other RES than the one who banned, will review the ban.

What should I do if my avatar is banned?

Handling player reports: each player report is carefully checked by RET. If violations are detected, appropriate actions are taken.

I think a player is violating game rules - what can I do?

Team organization

Internally, RET is organized according to roles and responsibilities. Every team member actively participates in discussions focused on improving the efficiency of account investigation, according to their expertise and also according to Customer Service feedbacks.

Rule Enforcement Specialist: RES are responsible for account investigation and player reports. They also give their support to other team members in case of consultation for complex cases.

Senior Rule Enforcement Specialist: SRES are responsible for ban approvals on complex cases, for ban reviews of the players who have appealed, for supporting other team members who have asked for consultations. Also they're responsible for account investigation and player reports.

Bot Specialist: Bot Specialists are responsible for taking care of everything related to scripts&bots bans.

Team Lead: Team Lead is responsible for the whole organization of the Rule Enforcement Team, for example servers assignments and meetings organization. Team Lead is also responsible for complex case approval to ban and final ban reviews in case a SRES think ban is incorrect.

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