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Shores of War - Game Mechanics

Shores of War is the 2023 Annual Special of Travian: Legends. Here’s an overview of its features different to regular new gameworlds.

Main special features kept from the previous Annual Specials:

Naval warfare and trading

For the first time in history, Travian: Legends has ships. Seas, major rivers and some lakes are deep water and are navigable.


Settle on the shore next to deep water to be able to build a harbor.

Special Servers - Harbor and Deep Water


Build warships in the harbor to transport your armies quickly over the deep water. Or build trade ships to tremendously increase your village's capability to move resources.

As ships travel quickly over deep water, but with the regular speed of troops or merchants over the land, the navigators plan the route that is the quickest, not necessarily the shortest.

Special Servers - Ships and Naval Movement

Choose your second village's tribe

In your spawn village, you can choose the tribe for your very first settlement. This works only once, so choose carefully. Only if the settling was unsuccessful, you can try again. Once the 2nd village was settled, it's not possible to choose a tribe anymore, even if the settled village was destroyed.

Flat map

The edges of the map cannot be crossed anymore. This means that regions on the opposite edges of the map (like Volubilis and Hyperborea) are no longer neighbouring each other.

No confederacies

Only one alliance can win. Diplomatic relations are limited to non-aggression pacts and wars.

Cancelling deliveries

It is possible to cancel any delivery within the first 60 seconds since the merchants or trade ships left the village.

No VPs for inactive players

When Victory Points are divided among the players of the alliance controlling the region, players inactive for at least 72 hours (with red or grey activity dot) are ignored.

Updated map.sql

The file that contains data about the game map and players villages, it will also include information on whether the village may have a harbour or not.

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